Homeland Security and Background Checks

U.S. Drparment of Homeland Security sealSince 9/11, homeland security is the new reality. Every government program, plan, and penny must be examined through the prism of protecting the homeland and providing the American public with the security it deserves. The Gallant Government & Law Group is well versed in homeland security protocols and demands and can help companies anticipate what requirements and changes lie ahead.

During his time as a congressional staffer, Gary Gallant worked for an active Member of the House Armed Services Committee and spent years supporting important programs and missions at McGuire Air Force Base, Fort Dix, and the Lakehurst Naval Air Station. After leaving his staff position, Gary worked with several telecommunications firms as their liaison with homeland security officials on projects to help provide redundant networks enabling reliable communications during disasters.

Gary continues to engage the homeland security community in support of legislation to facilitate background checks for private sector industries complimentary to law enforcement.

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Gallant Government and Law Group

1100 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20003