Tax Policy and Credits

Tax reform government manage business sales plan rates changeThe Democratic majority in the House has a long agenda, and tax policy is right among the very top priorities. They have serious concerns over the Trump tax cuts and the Democrats will be looking to reverse course in the new Congress. The Gallant Government & Law Group is experienced in these disputes and is well prepared to engage on behalf of clients with tax policy priorities.

Gary has successfully advanced narrow “rifle shot” tax provisions many times in the past. For example, Gary represented a multifamily housing architect seeking an amendment to HUD tax policy in the mid 1990s. Moreover, for many years Gary lobbied on behalf of one of the largest wind energy producers in the country successfully seeking extensions of the federal production tax credit.

Gary has worked well with the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees for years and tax issues will always be a focus in Washington – today more than ever. Opportunities or risks? Either way, Gary is prepared to advance your company’s tax priorities.

Let's Start The Conversation

Gallant Government and Law Group

1100 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20003