Patents & Intellectual Property
The intellectual property of a company frequently represents the ultimate backstop for survival. Protecting patents is not something that can be done today and ignored tomorrow. The Gallant Government & Law Group appreciates the professional vigilance required to protect patents and is well-versed on the tactics deployed by infringers and would-be infringers to mold the legislative landscape in ways intended to dilute patent values.
Gary has worked with dozens of companies holding technology patents that served as a cornerstone to the company’s ability to compete. Fortunately, thanks in part to Gary’s effective advocacy, many of these clients ultimately agreed to favorable transactions based on the rising value of the technology protected by the patent.
Gary’s work in this field extends beyond technology patents, having represented major fabric manufacturers in their ongoing battles to protect their design patents from overseas infringers.
Currently Gary is working on a project related to drone technology, working with the patent holder to identify potential business partnership opportunities.
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