Gaming, Casino, Sports Betting & Fantasy Sports
It’s a sure thing. Fantasy sports and sports betting are coming to a computer near you. That much is undeniably true. The only question is whether your company will be positioned to take advantage of these new opportunities and markets. The Gallant Government & Law Group is uniquely positioned to navigate these issues and help influence the policy debate in favor of our clients.
Gary Gallant has helped represent one of the two major fantasy sports contest providers since the policy debate exploded a few years ago. His access and relationships with key congressional committees and delegations helped create a constructive dialogue in Washington that continues to this day. Gary can help your company get a strong foothold in this debate before it’s too late.
Gary’s involvement with the fantasy sports industry is a logical extension from his decades of experience working issues related to the gaming and casino industries. He is a leading voice in Washington on behalf of California cardroom issues, and has worked with major Las Vegas hotel casinos on gaming and non-gaming issues.
Gary’s involvement with the industry is truly a lifelong passion. Gary was raised just outside of Atlantic City and worked in a family restaurant that served casino customers.
Let's Start The Conversation
1100 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20003